Saturday, February 23, 2019

Saturday morning

Over here in Cologne, it was a very sunny morning so I went to one of my favourite cafés and sat outside. Truth be told, the coffee there is nothing special  (though not bad either) BUT it's directly next to what we call "public bookshelf" (little free library) in Germany. Put the Anansi Boys on the shelf when I left. That book was soooo good. If you have ever wondered what you'd do if you found out your late father was a spider god and you have a twin brother nobody told you about, this book is for you. ;-) 
Of course, I also found a book to take home on the public bookshelf. It was written by Polish author Jozef Weyssenhoff who lived from 1860 to 1932. Apart from that, I know nothing , neither about the author nor the novel  (yet) but I couldn't resist the cover. 

Tuesday, February 12, 2019

In the midst of Carnival

Do you adjust your reading to the season of the year? I sometimes do that, though during the heatwave last summer, I loved reading about snow and ice. This month, I've chosen two German fantasy books about masks to prepare for Carnival. Also,  I usually  re-read 'The Cask of Amontillado' around this time of the year. 🍷🎭